Have you ever wanted to know everything there is to know about prepping, homesteading, farming, off the grid living and green energy ? Well today is your luck day! I had the grand opportunity to stumble across 4444 books that everyone can have for free..... How you might ask? The glory of Pole Shift Survival Information storehouse, a free website resource for prepper survival knowledge plus a few others listed below.
Here is a website that contains over 4001 books in PDF or ZIP format ready for backing up or just printing. I hope this knowledge helps you out as much as it has helped me. This is technical info on homesteading, self-reliance disaster preparedness and survival for today and when a SHTF situation happens FREE BOOKS FOR SURVIVAL The world of free knowledge has just opened up to you. LINKS TO MORE FREE PREPAREDNESS PDF BOOKS BELOW. BOOKMARK THIS PAGE TO HAVE CONSTANT ACCESS TO THE INFORMATION!
ALERT! - Download and print the ones you think would be most helpful to you for your hard copy preparedness SHTF LIBRARY. One day these sites or the internet might go down. No power, no net = no information for survival!
Let me know what you think or if there are any a I have walk thru of the start of a prepping / homesteading library on video
one and an overview of cheap ways to increase your hardcopy stockpile of
this knowledge in video 2 other places to get more great FREE books.
start of a prepping / homesteading library
cheap ways to increase your hardcopy stockpile of
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Here is a friendly Quick Announcement!
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Every Human Being Needs to Know the Information in this FREE ebook!
You Must WAKE UP from the False Left/Right Paradigm Syndrome.
* Feel Free to post my announcement at your site as this FREE ebook is for everyone!
Thank You, Steve Nelson